Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Answering a question.

Over the last couple of entries, I've gotten complements and a question from a couple of my blog followers.. Part of the sunkissed crowed.. (a joke.. you see lemons have Sunkist stamped on them... get it... sunkissed... Never mind... lol)

Gary Dombrowski , Just wanted to say thanks for your comments... Great to have you along

Darkstrider said...
Hey David... another faithful follower (newish one). I don't want to overload you with questions, but I figure it cant hurt to ask - I'm curious about the process of sculpting the skeleton in clay. I learned to use the bony landmarks in drawing anatomy, but what I:m wondering is - what are you paying attention to when you're sculpting the bones? If you know of any videos or books that cover it, I'd love to know what they are, or if you've talked about it in a previous video. My guess... since you've already laid out the armature proportionally from the scale drawing, the main concern in sculpting the bones would be the relative thickness of the joints?

ANSWER: There are a couple of great books by Bruno Lucchesi.. That show how to do what you asked. Here's a link to where you can buy his books. http://www.brunolucchesi.com/BRUNO_LUCCHESI/BOOKS.html
Bruno works in pottery clay. I don't, but you can use my kind of clay and still follow his examples, in his books. I took a workshop with him at the Artist's School in Scottsdale Arizona for a week. Amazing artist.


Gary Dombrowski said...

David, The Lucchesi books are great and worth having. I'll definitely put them to use when I make the jump to larger pieces. ~Gary

Darkmatters said...

Awesome!!! You da MAN!!! I'll definitely look into those books, thanks!!