Friday, August 18, 2017

Making a Shadow Box to View The Eclipse Like Vermeer

I was chastised by a friend for not being interested in watching the Eclipse on the 21st of August 2017... Being that it's Friday and the Eclipse is on Monday, I had to find a solution to view it. So here I show you how to make a simple shadow box to view the Eclipse. Some form of using shadow boxes have been used for centuries, once Telescopes and Ground Lenses were discovered. There's a movie about Tim Jenison, a Texas Inventor and Graphic Designer, who was sure that paintings by Vermeer were painted using Shadow Box, Mirrors and Lenses. A Movie, made by Teller of Penn & Teller, follows Tim as he attempts to solve one of the greatest mysteries in all of art: How did 17th century Dutch Master Johannes Vermeer paint such photo like paintings... The Movies title is, TIM'S VERMEER. It can be seen on Youtube for under $3.00 and purchased on ITunes as well as seen on DVD from Netflix.. It's a fascinating movie. There's a Link to it in my Video Description for this video.


yampabill said...

David , that was fun to watch---thanks,I think I'll make one

Artist - David Lemon said...

Have fun....