I finished up the clay of PEACE TALKER today, and thought I'd put together a video of the creation of this piece, from it's start on August 19th to today... Hope you enjoy this short journey. I'll be starting a set of busts tomorrow.
Today I got back onto PEACE TALKER today. I redid the quilled blanket strip, and then sculpted the fingers and hand on the right arm. I then added fringe to the war shirt. I'll finish up this piece tomorrow.
This is from an episode of HOW IT'S MADE. I love that series and really loved this episode on how bronze goes from the original wood or clay, to a mold, then to wax, and ceramic mold and finaly to finished bronze. I'll be in my studio on Wednesday.
I went to the foundry in Bozeman Montana today to look over the newly cast bronze of WORKIN' FOR THE BRAND. Norhtwest Art Castings had never put one of these together before. So I had to check to make sure everything was jake.. so to speak. I took along the clay of PEACE TALKER as well, to get a bid from the two foundries in Bozeman... One was cheaper. There's a great skit at the end from the Carol Burnett Show, starring Tim Conway as the dentist, and Harvey Korman as the victim..
First thing this morning,I went over to Virginia City, with Bell from Thailand, and visited with Joe Red Feather and his wife Gloria 'D'. He's a member of the Lakota Tribe and is a War Chief. Gloria is an artist herself. She recreates Indian clothing and everyday items. I went there to just get some technical advise on a couple of things on my clay. Got back the studio and had just enough time to put the Bead Strip on the Buffalo Robe. I'll detail it next week.
I've tentatively come up with a title for this piece. THE PEACE KEEPER Back on the clay and I'm in the final days of working on this piece. Today I've added the Buffalo's fur texture by almost melting the clay under a tungsten light, you know, those light bulbs that will be outlawed in a few years.
Had to make a run to Bozeman frist thing this morning and then got back into my studio in the afternoon. Added a pipe and pipe bag to the piece, then worked on the feathers as well as texturing the Buffalo Robe
May I just take a moment and thank all of you around the world that come to my blog regularly.. I'm so humbled by your doing that. Thank you so much.. just don't ask me to say this in Hungarian... lol
I went online last night and did a google search for photographs on Indian. Google has a pictures collection that is amazing. I found a hair style I'd been thinking of and just didn't know what side of the head the braid would be and which side would have the loose hair. I fine tuned the face while completing the hair. I have one last person to take to the airport on Monday so won't be in my studio that day. I also have the phone company coming to my home to hook up the fiber optics they put in our area, on Tuesday, so not sure I'll make it to my studio that day either.
I'm struggling with the design of this piece. Not because I don't have the vision to complete it, but because I want it to be, the very best, and as interesting as possible. So I'm taking my time to get it right.
Today was spent filling and adding clay. I started by pouring a 1 to 1 mixture of Taxidermy foam into the cavities between the robe and the Indians figure. Then I made the loin cloth and started to add clay to the Buffalo Robe. I will be taking another person to the airport in Belgrade Montana tomorrow so will not be in my studio till Thursday.
Time to make the blanket or in this case a Buffalo Robe that will be over the Indian's left shoulder, and wrapped over his left arm. I cut the shape of a buffalo skin out of a piece of cotton material. I then dipped it into melted wax, and after a few minutes of cooling and dripping, I place the wax cloth over the Indian.
Got up very early this morning and got back onto the Indian figure. I roughed in the upper torso of the Indian figure. I wasn't concerned with the lower torso as much as getting the upper to a point where the leather war shirt would react to the shapes of the shoulders and his chest area. Once I got that to a point I wanted, then I started to add the folds of the shirt hanging off his upper body. I also attached a video showing the brain tanning process below today's video.
It's 7 am and it's overcast and cold. But the sun low in the east made for a very beautiful morning. I'll be back in my studio working on the Indian piece with the bow on Wednesday. Thank you all for your kind and supporting comments over the last week. You've all given me strength to continue. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Decided today that, closing my studio at this time, may not be the best move. I have at least 3 months before I need to make that decision.. So open it will be and back to sculpting will I go..