Monday, July 23, 2012

Impromptu Concert - Tutorial on Making a Horse Armature

A lone prospector on his way to the gold fields of Calaveras County California. Gold was both plentiful and - by happy geologic accident- easy to extract, making the gold-bearing gravels of California's rivers into what has been described as "the finest opportunity that, has ever been offered on any mining frontier." A contemporary newspaper put it slightly differently: "The whole country, from San Francisco to Los Angeles, and from the sea shore to the base of the Sierra Nevadas, resounds with the cry of 'gold, GOLD, GOLD!'
In this new piece by David Lemon, he's going to show that sometimes a fiddle is worth more than all the gold in California, in an "Impromptu Concert" for a group of roaming Sioux Warriors

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

24 inch Human TruForm Armature Setup Tutorial

TruForm clay sculpture armatures are widely becoming one of the best tools for sculpting in oil-based and polymer clays.TruForm armatures were created by professional sculptors with the goal of providing clay modeling sculptors of all levels with the most innovative sculpture armature concept on the market. TruForm armatures are proven to enhance the entire sculpting experience.

TruForm Armature systems allow the sculptor to visualize, or actually "see", the composition and significant gesture of the sculpture before applying any clay.

At TruForm Armatures we believe that "Time Is Money" and that we will save you both the time and money when you utilize our clay sculpting products. You will spend more of your time actually creating art and less of your time consumed with the mechanical and construction elements.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

James Harold Gallery Show - Day 07 - Captain John Lovewell Bronze Unveiled

The current John Lovewell dressed as his ancestor, Captain John Lovewell

James Harold Gallery Show - Day 07 - From Clay to Fire Works in Tahoe City California

Worked on Sweet Grass at the gallery today, then watched Tahoe Cities fireworks from the back porch of the house I'm staying at, which is 2 miles from the display... It was very cool watching them through the pine trees and hearing the thumping of the explosions echoing through the forest.