At Northwest Art Castings Bozeman Montana, we colored the first copy in bronze of "Spirit wings". I also had high quality photographs taken of Spirit Wings and of the clay, "I Wanna Be Like You Daddy". Also got a bid on the mold and casting costs of the clay or the little cowboy. If you'd like to see all the photos taken of the two pieces today, and the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
Just a couple of photographs of Spirit Wings and I Wanna Be Like You Daddy.
Just finished up the shirt today. I took this piece to the point of completion, but held back, because I plan to work on it at the Master's Show in Great Falls Montana the middle of next month. At the end of today's entry, you'll find the story behind this piece. It's a story I wrote as I worked on it. If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
Final Photographs. The clay's story below these.
The Story of "I Wanna Be Like You Daddy"
It's about, a young boy, who's family lives in a line shack on a big ranch. His father is a working cowboy. Not rich by any means, just a hard working loving father. This boy's Grandmother is going through boxes of stored stuff in a shed, he's watching her as she lifts up old cloths, with this distant, reliving old times look in her eyes. The son asks his grandmother, "who's are those?", as granny lifts up a pair of old faded jeans. Grandmother looks around at her grandson, with a surprised look, she hadn't realized he was standing there... she turns back around, setting them aside.. saying, "They're your Dad's from when he was just a little older than you." "Can I have them?" Says the little boy... "Sure". He picks them up, as well as an old hat, his father used to wear, that was hanging on a nail, takes them to his room and puts them on. He pulls out a set of suspenders from his chest of drawers, and attaches them to his dad's old jeans to hold them up. Puts on his dad's old hat, that just hangs on his head, and walks out to the front porch, as his dad comes walking up, leading his horse, saddled for the day. "Son" his dad chuckles, "What you got on there?"... "Ain't that my old patched up jeans and my old worn out hat?" His son answers quietly, "Yeah pa." "Well ain't they both a bit worn out and big on you?" "Yeah pa." the son answers. "Don't you think you ought to wear something that fits better?" "Grandma gave them to me." the son answers. "Why are you wearing that old stuff?" his dad asks, seeing the hat wobble a bit on the his son's head. "I wanna be like you Dad." the boy answers back. The father, is startled a bit. then tears well up in his eyes, as he turns and walks away, saying, "Well son.. that's just fine then." As the father walks away, his back gets straighter, his shoulders lift a bit, and his walk is a bit lighter. He stops and turns, saying to his son, "Common Son, Let's go for a ride."... With the words, "I wanna be like you Dad." repeating in his head.
Started out working on his boots. His boots up to now have been to small. I corrected that today. Then I tried a hand out of his pocket. Then worked on his pants between working on the boots and hand. If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
I added a bit of a side smile to the boy's face then as I was working on it, I noticed the eyes were out of alignment. If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
Final Photographs today.
My Life-size Bronze and the original clay of "Working For The Brand" a limited edition bronze
I re-did the dog I created yesterday. He was my first attempt.. this is my second, and who knows, there might be a third attempt. If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
First off, I had to do a little facial re-adjustment. then I worked on his ears and added hair. I've thought, over the past couple of days, that a puppy would be cool. Border Collies are used for herding and since this is a little boy on a ranch, a Border puppy seemed worth a try. That's all I did today, was try. Never created that breed before, so there's going to be a learning curve. I'm certainly going to redo this puppy, till I get him right, or I'll just take him off the piece. If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
I needed to make a cowboy hat that belonged to this little boy's father. It needed to be roomy and not look ridiculous. So I experimented with a new technique to make it look that way on his head If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
I worked on his face today. Took me a little time to build up my courage to do that. Because if I screwed that up.. the whole piece would be useless. If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
Final Photographs today..
Friday, February 11, 2011
As this clay comes to life a story started to form in my head. Funny ain't it.. the story comes after I start the piece, but that's the way it happens sometimes.. actually most of the time. If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
The little cowboy piece gets boots and one leg of his pants. If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
Went to the Foundry in Bozeman Montana to do some business and then I headed over to Planet Bronze to visit my artist friend, Dennis Harrington. Below you'll find a couple of photographs of Dennis' "The New Dress". If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
A New Clay By Dennis Harrington. If your interested in ordering a finished bronze of this piece.. just email me from my blogs left column, or click on the link to Planet Bronze. Dennis is the owner of that gallery.
My Son Jason Lemon firefighting in Yellowstone Park Wyoming.
I decided after seeing a photograph in a book of a very young cowboy, that I would attempt to capture that spirit. So today I started a figure of a 6 year old cowboy. If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
I worked a bit on the wax horse and rider to just get it to the point where I could set it aside and start a new piece in clay. If you'd like to see the current price of my artwork in bronze go to
Left early this morning to get to foundry in Bozeman Montana to color my bronze, Peace Talker, for a client who wanted a special coloring of their piece. I took the wax of Eagle Dancer to get a bid on it so I can price the finished bronze.
I actually finished this piece on Friday the 28th of January. This is the last video on this wax. If you want to see final high quality photographs of this wax, please go to my blog. The link is at the beginning of this description. Added the loin cloth to the dancer today, as well as the sash.