Friday, May 30, 2014

Two Clays Joined - Classic Cars - You'll have to watch

Decided to combine two clays and to make them one. I'm calling this combo "Mountain Family". Both these clays had Instructional DVDs made of them as they were created. If you'd like to get those DVDs, just follow my instructions in the video description on the Youtube link. During a break today, I walked down to the end of the building I'm in to visit two great guys who had a couple of augmented old car classics.. Hope you enjoy that part of this video.

Thought's of what to do with existing clays

Today's video .. discussing what changes I possibly will be making to these clays to spark them up a bit.. They ain't singing to me yet... They're kinda humming to me at the moment. "Approaching Storm", the clay I start out with will stay the same.. just need to clean it up and repair it. It's been sitting for a while and the clay's cracked in places from moving it around.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Moving Back Into My Summer Studio

I've spent the last couple of weeks straightening and moving my studio from my bedroom back to my studio,which is a little over a mile from my house. I review my tools and show the clays collecting dust in my studio. Need to sell them to get them cast and nothing is selling at the moment.. Partially lack of money and the economy is the reason they are stacking up.