Friday, October 19, 2012

The 2012 Hunter's Feed in Ennis Montana

Every October the day before the yearly hunting season opens, the small mountain town, in south west Montana, on the west bank of the Madison River, puts on a free feed for anyone that walks down our streets. Local people have recipes that have been handed down, for preparing wild game. From White Tail Deer to Mountain Lion, chilies and stews are made and served in Ennis Montana, then they're judged by the people who eat the food. It's a very friendly and fun event that I look forward to every year. This year I met people who've seen my past videos. One couple moved to Ennis, because they saw my videos and just thought it would be a great place to settle. So they moved from Florida to our little town. I'm so proud I had that kind of effect on anyone. Enjoy the feed..

Finishing up WOLF ROBE

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Studio Finally Set Up at my House For The Winter

Every winter, I set up my studio in my home, to save money on heating. Also there are days when it can get 20 to 30 below zero (F), and I'd just prefer not to have to go out into that everyday.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Back Soon

Sorry about my absence from my studio. I've been very busy with other work, none studio related. That will end on Wednesday the 10th of October. Then I'll be moving my studio to my home for the winter. Cheaper to heat my studio and home in one. My main studio is 3 miles from my home and therefore heating home, and my main studio is crazy, when I can do my work in my house for the winter. Not sure of the date I'll be back, but probably be Monday October 15th. Can't wait to get back into my clay work.