Thursday, December 27, 2018
My New Instructional DVD Started - Separated the Female from the Horse T...
Worked on the young lady next to the horse by removing her from the horse. I made a seperate base for her so I can do that... If you want to see how I did it.. You'll have to order the Instructional DVD when it comes out. This is going to be a new Instructional DVD Set.
Friday, December 21, 2018
My New Instructional DVD Started - Worked on the Young Lady Today and ...
Worked on blocking in the female part of this clay. The Jolly ole elf stopped by to wish me a Merry Christmas.. I also wish all of you a wonderful Christmas.. If you want to see how I did it.. You'll have to order the Instructional DVD when it comes out. This is going to be a new Instructional DVD Set.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
My New Instructional DVD Started Attached the lady to the Base Today
Today, I attached the young lady's armature to the base of the clay. I made it so that I can work on her separately. I also worked on the warrior's left side, fleshing in his back and leg. This is going to be a new Instructional DVD Set.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
My New Instructional DVD Started - Adapting the Base So I Can Attach T...
I needed to widen the base about 2 inches so that I can mount the Female's Armature to the base. I needed to make it so that I can pull her off the main base to work on her separately when that time comes. This is going to be a new Instructional DVD Set.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
My New Instructional DVD Started - Short Video Today Bad Eye Day
Just couldn't focus my eyes today. So didn't get far with the clay today. This is going to be a new Instructional DVD Set.
Friday, December 14, 2018
My New Instructional DVD Started = Working on the Anatomy of the Warrior
I worked on small areas of the Warrior's upper body, and right leg.. Repositioned the arm with the shield on it. This is going to be a new Instructional DVD Set.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
My New Instructional DVD Started - Adding clay to the man on the horse
Today I show you more of my Instructional video.. Not giving away secrets.. Just trying to come up with the story to go with this piece. A sculptor, who portrays a certain period in history, builds a story in his clay, like a writer constructs a story in words. This is going to be a new Instructional DVD Set.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
My New Instructional DVD Started - Mounting the Male Figure on the Horse...
Mounted the Male figure on the horse. I just started putting clay on the wire armature. This is going to be a new Instructional DVD Set.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
My New Instructional DVD Started Update on the Horse and Subject of th...
Created second human armature.. Yesterday I created the Female armature.. Today the Male one to add to the story of this piece. Not sure what that story will be.. Yet.. This is going to be a new Instructional DVD Set.
Monday, December 10, 2018
My New Instructional DVD Started A Brief Look At Making The Armature
Today I started a new Instructional DVD on how to Create a Figure to go with your Horse. Showing how to proportion your male or female figure with the horse. This is a short preview of the first set of videos I shot today for the DVD set.
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Date For My Eye Surgery and I Talk About The New Clay Project
I'll get my surgery on my eye in January 2019. It may be an improvement to my vision.. or it may not be. No guarantees when any surgery is performed. I talk about adding a human figure with the horse I created for my Instructional DVD set on "Creating a Horse From Scratch". This new Instructional DVD will complement that video.
Monday, December 3, 2018
I Do Eye Surgery On Terry Connor's Clay Bust - Then I Discuss a New Project
The bust of Terry Connor needs an adjustment on the right eye.. Then I discuss a possible new project involving the horse I created in my Instructional DVD set, "Creating a Horse From Scratch". You can view a review of that DVD set and several others I offer in the link below this video.
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Sculpting With No Magnifiers For the First Time in Almost Six Months
I had a Triumph today... I sculpted on a clay, and didn't have to use the crutch I've used for almost 6 months, I didn't have to use my magnifiers. I could actually see the clay.. in some detail. I'm ecstatic.. I would dance if I had better balance...
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Got my Head Rest Today
I have a MACULAR HOLE In My Right Eye. Now this sounds scary.. and it kind is. If I don't get surgery, I could go blind in my right eye. I will have to keep my head facing down for 4 days and nights, with only 5 minutes per hour that I can get up to do personal things. I received my special headrest today. If you're in need of one, here is the link to order one.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Update On My Eyes I have a MACULAR HOLE In My Right Eye
I have a MACULAR HOLE In My Right Eye. Now this sounds scary.. and it kind is. If I don't get surgery, I could go blind in my right eye. I will have to keep my head facing down for 4 days and nights, with only 5 minutes per hour that I can get up to do personal things. Like you know what and fixing canned foods for eats.. I just ordered a head rest online. I'll put in the link below where you can get this headrest... It's the best I could find online.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Mailing My Instructional DVDs Today
Friday I recieved 4 orders for my Instructional DVDs. Got another one this morning.. Been having a fun time getting ready to mail them from Los Angeles, to Quebec Canada... I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week..
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Photographing the Bronze of UNCONQUERED
Spent the afternoon photographing my new bronze, "Unconquered". It's a limited edition bronze in an edition of 15 copies. It measures 26 inches tall by 17 inches wide.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
The Coloring of the Bronze UNCONQUERED
I started this piece back in August of 2015, as a demo piece for a group of people, at an appearence I did at Sculpture Depot in Loveland Colorado. Now more than 3 years later it's finally in bronze. Today at Northwest Art Casting in Bozeman Montana we colored the 1st bronze of this piece.. Tomorrow I'll be Photographing the bronze.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Stampeding Horses, Filling Holes in the Clay
Filling holes in the clay. Going to the foundry the 31s of October to have them look at the clay again and to watch the first bronze of UNCONQUERED colored.. Long day tomorrow.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Back on the Terry Connor Bust, Making Small Changes
I picked up my clays yesterday from the foundry of the Stampeding Horses.. and the Bust of Terry Connor. So today I got back on Terry's clay bust. Saw a few areas where the portrait could be improved and worked on those today.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Armature System from Sculpture Depot and How to Set It Up For Sculpting
Sculpture Depot's Human Armature System for the 18 Inch Armature.. I show the Phenomenal Armature Support System sold only through Sculpture Depot. How to mount you Wire Armature and then Measure out the Proportions for you sculpture.
Good and Bad News on ,My Vision and an Update on TRUFORM ARMATURES
My Vision is improving ever so slowly. I Squint less these days because the vision in my right eye is improving. That was the good news.. This journey may take a couple more years though.. I am Optimistic.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Clays Taken To The Foundry for Bids
Last little bit of work on the horses and the next morning I take a trip to the foundry in Bozeman Montana to deliver the clays. I'm needing a cost bid on Casting these two clays, the Terry Connor bust and the stampeding horses, so I can establish a price on the horses.. and get a bid for Todd Connor's bronze.
Monday, October 8, 2018
Horses Maine's, Ears and Tails
Getting my horses ready to go to the foundry, along with the bust of Terry Connor, to get bids on the cost of producing them in bronze this week.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Horses Hairy Parts Started Today
Started the Mane and Tails today. This piece will really come alive once that's done. Then I'll start to work on the base and finish of the clay. Not sure yet what that will be.. So stay tuned
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Finishing up the Horses Heads
Had a great day today sculpting. Finished up the last three horses heads.. Next I start the horses manes and tails.
Monday, September 24, 2018
The Story of How I Got Into Sculping and Working on the Horses Still
Again on the heads of the horses.. I've often been asked how I got into sculpting and so I thought I'd relay the story to you.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Late Night Horse Head
9 pm I get back to work on my horse head I started 2 days ago.. A bit late and close to this old man's bedtime. So only about an hours work on this clay.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Reworking one of the Horses Heads
Continuing work on the horses head.. Re-did the one I worked on a couple of days ago. It's a slow process.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
I Had Visitors Today In My Studio
I had 6 or seven ladies, who are staying at The Channels here near Ennis Montana, come to my studio today to my clays and watch me do a little sculpting.
Monday, September 17, 2018
Making Really Small Horses Heads
Ok.. I'm even getting tired of my talking about my vision... It is improving.. I'll just live and pray I keep improving.. Worked on the horses heads as much as I could.. Made a good decision to do the heads away from the horses..
Monday, September 10, 2018
Back on the Stampeding Horses in the Sky
I put the Terry Connor portrait aside for a few days. I needed to refresh my mind with a different subject. I had an idea the other night while sleeping as to what to do with this piece. I have no idea how this change will work out.. I press on.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Terry Connor Commission Adjusting the Eyes and Forehead
Todd Connor came by to look at his dad's clay bust and look it over.. Being a major portrait painter, he saw a couple of things I missed.. So I made major adjustments to Terry's eyes.
Labor Day Tool Cleaning Information On Tools and Where To Get Them
I get all my sculpting supplies from Sculpture Depot. Tools and clay. Today was cleaning day.. Cleaning my sculpting tools is a monthly thing. If your tools aren't clean they feel odd on you hands.. I don't like Odd..
Sunday, September 2, 2018
John Lovewell Commission from 2012 The Clay and the Coloring of the Br...
I combined 2 videos from the Summer of 2012 to show you the creation of a comission bronze of Captain John Lovewell. Google his name.. fascinating person from the 1700s
I combined 2 videos from the Summer of 2012 to show you the creation of a comission bronze of Captain John Lovewell. Google his name.. fascinating person from the 1700s
Friday, August 31, 2018
Health Update On Myself
A short update on the status of my eyes.. and my Bell's Palsy. Good News on all fronts. Going to spend the day sleeping and resting my eyes and me...
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Finished The Studio Setup Received the Softbox Lights
I received late today, new lights for my studio. Do a Google search for "CowboyStudio Photography Photo Studio Video Quick Softbox Lighting Light Kit, 600 Watt Output". They run about $76 on Amazon. I got the idea for the lights from YouTubes CroquisCafe's Video on these lights for drawing. Check out the video.
Preparing My Studio For New Soft Box Lights
I'm receiving new lights for my studio today. Do a Google search for "CowboyStudio Photography Photo Studio Video Quick Softbox Lighting Light Kit, 600 Watt Output". They run about $76 on Amazon. Once I get the lights I'll do another video.
Saturday, August 25, 2018
The Terry Connor Portrait Back at Putting Finel Adjustments to the Clay
I've been commissioned by a fellow artist, Todd Connor, to do a bronze of his dad, Terry Connor, who passed away a couple of months ago. Todd is also an artist I was having a good eye day today. So I got back onto Terry Connor's clay bust. Making a few adjustments to the mouth and ears. It's really coming together now...
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
The Terry Connor Portrait Todd Connor Collaborates The Portrait
I've been commissioned by a fellow artist, Todd Connor, to do a bronze of his dad, Terry Connor, who passed away a couple of months ago. Todd is also an artist I asked him to come to my studio today to see what needs to be done to the bust. I allowed him to sculpt a bit on the clay because he has that level of ability. It was a good day.
Monday, August 6, 2018
Creating a Full Figure of a Viking Instructional DVD
Introducing my Instructional DVD on how to create a full figure of a Viking in clay. From armature to research.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Back in the Studio
Finally, briefly I'm back. My left eye seems to see better. Today that is. So this evening I thought I'd get back onto the clay of Terry Connor.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Unconquered Finally Finished the Clay Today
Final day on UNCONQUERED. Just a few holes left to fill and deep reassess to fill and smooth. Hair to finish.. and a signature to add.I'm done. Foundry next week.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Unconquered Everlasting Detailing - A young Man Cuts my Lawn
More details. Worked on the top of his head, and then created driftwood at his feet today. A young man helped me out today.. Cutting my lawn. He Did it in a third of the time it takes me.. Well he is 11 years old after all...
Monday, July 16, 2018
Special Commission A Bust of Terry Connor
The father of an artist friend of mine, Todd Connor, asked me to create a bust of his father, Terry Connor. Well I got it started today. Though I'm happy with it.. I've got detailing to do on it yet before it's cast into bronze. It will be presented today at a Memorial for his father. I was under a little self-imposed pressure to get the clay to a recognizable stage. I didn't video any of it's creation. Just didn't have the time for all the camera set ups.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Unconquered - Still Detailing
Just more detailing on the clay of UNCONQUERED. I decided to kill the video from the ONREAL camera.. except for one short part where I use my Pasta Machine to roll out clay. Cameras quit on me at the end of the video.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Unconquered - Filling in Holes and Getting the Clay Ready for the Found...
I gave the OnReal Spy Camera one more try today. Started out not good and ended up Failry Good.. Just filling holes and deep cuts today, getting the clay ready for the foundry next week..
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Unconquered - Trying our my OnReal Spy Camera 1080P for the first time
I'm alway trying to improve my videos to you who watch them.. I work on a very tight budget. I found this High Quality Video Camera, so small I can wear it on my shirt or hat. OnReal Spy Camera 1080P. The sound isn't great at all but the video is superb.. Today I tried it out with my two Canon cameras to see if it will work.. It's going to take some work to figure out the best way to use it. I Got my OnReal on Amazon for about $79...
Monday, July 9, 2018
Unconquered Finalizing the Clay for the Foundry Using 2 Cameras 1st ...
The UNCONQUERED is heading to the foundry to be cast into Bronze. So my task is to clean up and fine tune the figure before delivering the clay to the foundry in Bozeman. Montana. Today I started on the base but then focused my one eye on the Loincloth Cutting it off so I can detailing the back loincloth, filling in with clay and texturing it.
Friday, July 6, 2018
Update on My Vision
I went to an Opthamologist for an eye exam today... I have problems that could get better with proper care.. or it may not get better... They made an appointment with a Retna Specialist later this month. The doctor said it wasn't an emergency, but I need to get it taken care of.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
1st Day at the Blackjack Ranch Gallery in Ennis Montana
First day of my joint appearance at the Black Jack Ranch Gallery in Ennis Montana. Today was just a realaxing day of conversation and a bit of sculpting thrown in.. Met travelers from Nashville, San Antonio, Sacramento, and Oklahoma... I just love talking to people from across our country.. The 4th of July Parade is tomorrow.. I'll try and get video of that.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Update on My Eyes and Other Things
I've made an appointment with a local opthamologist to have my eyes checked.. I also give an update on the Stampeding Horses and a new project I'll be starting.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Stampeding Horses Update in Less Than Two Minutes
I've decided not to add any more horses to this piece. I feel anymore would be to much. I'll be making me a jig to work on each horse head seperate from their necks. It just makes it easier to work on them individually. I'll try and figure out how I'll make that work over the next day.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Stampeding Horses Finished the Horse Armatures and Adding two of them
Spent Friday evening and Saturday afternoon working on 4 more small horse armatures. This evening I added two of the 4 horses to the sculpture.. I'm liking how this piece is turning out. Still not sure if it will turn out though. I'm thinking that when it comes to revisiting the horses already blocked in, I might work on their heads separate from their bodies.
Friday, June 22, 2018
Stampeding Horses Making More Horse Armatures
Working late into the night on 4 more horse armatures
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Stampeding Horses Added Two More Horses Today
I had two more horses in the wax stage to add to the herd. I am liking how this is looking.. Details well be added once I get the design worked out.. So I'll be getting at least 3 more horse armatures ready for next time..
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Stampeding Horses Start Positioning The Horses on the Armature
During the Gallery Opening in Ennis Montana, the Black Jack Ranch Gallery, I worked on adding clay to several of the wax horses. Today, I started to place them into position on the wire armature.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
June 16, 2018 Black Jack Ranch Gallery Opeing Ennis Montana
Black Jack Ranch had it's opening today in Ennis Montana.. Here's a video of that opening.. and ribbon cutting
Friday, June 15, 2018
Stampeding Horses - Busy Work and Horses
Busy work at the beginning of the day, and then back onto the small horses. Spent the night adjusting legs and movement of the other 7 horses.. I know I'll have to make for of those.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Boxing and Sending Lemons
Got an order for all my DVDs. I'm shown putting together that order and preparing to mail it out. I then explain how to order my Instructional Videos on DVD as well as Digital versions or the same videos
Monday, June 11, 2018
Stampeding Horses - Fleshing In the First Horse in Wax and then Clay
I started today on the first of the horses, already partially in wax, and got to a point where i decided to use clay on top of the wax. Just easier to see detail in the light colored clay. Wax is a great medium to work in.. It's very temperamental to work with though. Clay is softer but easier to form.
Friday, June 8, 2018
Stampeding Horses Adding The First Wax To The Armatures
I got all seven of the horse armatures ready to have wax applied to them. Wax is like clay.. just very dark, so it makes seeing detail hard.. and the dang stuff is sticky if to warm.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Stampeding Horses - Starting the Wire Armatures
Today I'm starting the wire armatures for 7 horses. I'll make the armatures out of Bailing Wire. Google "Bailing Wire" to order you some. Every sculptor needs this in their studio.
Making Small Horse Armatures Tonight
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Stampeding Horses -The Start of a New Sculpture
Had an idea for a new piece. I herd of Stampeding Horses coming down out of the air and touching the ground... It's pushing the envelope time.. Today I start part of the supporting armature.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
My 1,670 th Video - Creating A Plains Buffalo My Last Day on the Buffa...
Towards the end of today on the Buffalo, I decided to stop working on it. I'm in a new gallery here in my town of Ennis Montana. The Black Jack Ranch Gallery. I have 3 bronzes there and will be sculpting occasionally in the gallery. I decided to leave the Buffalo unfinished to work on it in the Gallery I'll start a new project next week.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Creating A Plains Buffalo Fake Eyes and Buffalo Detailing
I purchase 100 eyes off the web. I threw away the package and can't find the email that I purchased them with. This was a while ago. Going to try them out in my sculpture when I do a face that matches the scale of the eyes. Again back on Detailing.. Legs today and the parts that make the Bull a Bull.. did that off camera though.. Propriety you know.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Honoring a Great Artist Who was My Friend. "John Bruce"

I just heard of the passing of my good friend and Brother in the Arts, John Bruce. He passed away in February 2018 (Link to the article at end of this entry).
I did this following tribute to John in 2010. I just wanted to re-publish it here.
Story of Courage John Bruce was an amazing artist who lived in Mariposa California. Years ago, we were members of the artist group, A.I.C.A. (American Indian Cowboy Artists). The following is from a Blog Entry I made on March 10, 2010 John was an amazing western painter who a few years ago, got cancer and was in the V.A. Hospital in southern California. Bruce had been in the hospital for months fighting against this cancer. They were moving him from his bed, and dropped him on the cement floor, damaging his right shoulder so bad, his arm was useless. Over the few years since that terrible incident, he's struggled to regain his ability to draw and paint. With tears in my eyes, I can tell you he's coming back. Below is a charcoal drawing he just completed of a fellow artist who passed away, some years back, Duncan Spencer (1911-1999), and I just wanted to share this triumph with you all. NEVER GIVE UP. Got this back from John the day I published my blog entry, responding to my blog.
From John
"Hello again , Thanks for the kind words on your blog. Truth is, it's not so much courage as it is Panic. I suddenly realized that the VA was not going to pay for disabling me. They claim it didn't happen in the hospital, and it wasn't their fault. I'm appealing their decision, but the attorney tells me it will take a minimum of three years to get a hearing. I've got to try to produce some work so I can earn a living. I can't seem to paint, due to the limited range of motion of my arm but I am managing to work in charcoal. When I first got out of the hospital, I couldn't even write my name, but now with practice, I'm able to scratch out some drawing. IT FEELS GREAT! I can't imagine what my life would be like, without some art in it.
John "

Some examples of John's Paintings
Monday, May 28, 2018
Creating A Plains Buffalo - More Broken Rocks a New Project and Working ...
Two days to make this Video. A new rock to shape the Fur with, a product of my Lawn Mower, and the Rock, coming in contact with each other. Partway into this video I start the base for a new idea.. Running Horses.. Using Urethane Foam. Then I start working on the Buffalo's Hooves.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Remembering Our Veterans On Memorial Day 2018
I put this video up over 6 years ago.. thought it appropriate to revisit it today. Just remembering my part in the creation of this memorial to Veterans living and dead. Who gave their lives and futures to this country's survival. To preserve the freedoms our forefathers gave us. I show the monumental bronze I was asked to create for this sacred spot in South West Montana. back in 2001
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Creating A Plains Buffalo -Using Urethane Foam To Make a Base
Today I made the base for the Buffalo. Using Taxidermy Foam, Parts A & B Urethane Foam, I made the base and then added clay to the surface of the foam after shaping it. Probably saved me 6 to 10 pounds of expensive clay. I then continued to work on the fur on the face of the Buffalo..
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
My Instructional Video on How to Create a Full Figure of a Viking in Clay
just finished Editing the hours and hours of videos I had on CREATING A FULL FIGURE OF A VIKING. It's taken almost two months to just edit the tons of videos. I'm re-posting this announcement for those who missed it. Well today They've gone on sale. Both the DVD 2 disk version and the Single 2 hour 44 minute Digital Version. In this video I show a Preview of that Instructional Video as well as a visual guide on how to purchase it, both on DVD and on Digital.
Monday, May 21, 2018
Creating A Plains Buffalo Back to the Stone Age Tools
Just texture experimenting today with rocks from my driveway. Got my Ball Peen Hammer and broke a couple of rock to get a rough surface for texturing the thick fur on the Buffalo.. You can utilize a lot of objects as make sculpting tools.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Creating A Plains Buffalo Adjustments to the Anatomy of the Buffalo
Carving and trimming the Buffalo's stomach. Then adding the fur to it's shoulders, and then clay over the old clay. The original Buffalo was created in 2004. I never throw away my old clays.
Friday, May 18, 2018
How to Build a Box to Soften Your Plasticine Clay
I made this video years ago.. I thought it would be useful to re-publish it.
Creating A Plains Buffalo Continuing to work on the Massive Head
The fact that the left side of my face is recovering from Paralysis of the facial muscles.. has effected my ability to sculpt. My left eye still doesn't blink completely.. so at times it feels like needles sticking me in the eye.. It's gotten a ton better.. but still bothers me to the point to where I'm unable to see what I'm working on. Today was a fairly good day. I continued working on the right side of the Buffalo's head, and then started working back to the shoulders.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Creating A Plains Buffalo - Starting to detail it's Massive Head
Didn't have much time to work on the Buffalo today. I did get the head started. It's going to be a trying and a fun build..
Didn't have much time to work on the Buffalo today. I did get the head started. It's going to be a trying and a fun build..
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Researching Buffalo Photos
Any work of art worth it's salt, has to have a lot of research behind it.. That's what I were doin today..
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Received A Shipment Of J Mac Medium Clay Today
Last week an order for 50 pounds of J-Mac (medium grade) Clay was ordered from Sculpture House in Loveland Colorado. UPS delivered it to me today. In this video I show you how to prepare Plasticine Clay for sculpting.
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Found an Error in My Video Link and Setting Up For A New Project
It was purely by chance that I found out the link I've been putting in my YouTube Video Description was taking you to my blog but not to where I said it would take you.. I've Checked back to last August and it's in all the video from then to now.. I haven't had the time to check o correct any further back yet.. The Link below This video takes you to the right place. I've had a clay of a Buffalo Running, in the beginning stages, that I've had sitting for almost 10 years. Just stored in my studio. Well tonight I got it out and I'm thinking of breathing life into it.. Maybe the coming week.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
ANNOUNCING The Release of My Instructional Video on Creating a Full Figu...
Just finished Editing the hours and hours of videos I had on CREATING A FULL FIGURE OF A VIKING. It's taken almost two months to just edit the tons of videos. Well today They've gone on sale. Both the DVD 2 disk version and the Single 2 hour 44 minute Digital Version. In this video I show a Preview of that Instructional Video as well as a visual guide on how to purchase it, both on DVD and on Digital.
Friday, April 20, 2018
Final Day of Editing the Instructional DVD on Creating a Viking Figure
I just finished Editing the hours and hours of videos I had on CREATING A FULL FIGURE OF A VIKING. It's taken almost two months to just edit the tons of videos. Now the final edit of the 7 segments of the video, to tighten up the time on the DVD even more. Right now it will be a two DVD set that I'll be offering as an Instructional Video. Next I Render and then burn to a Master set of DVDs for playing on computers and on your BlueRay.. Whew.. is the word of the day.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Amazing Creative Workers - Techniques Smart At Work #3
At minutet 5:08 this YouTuber included me in with all these amazing creative people.. He showed me working on "THE PROTECTOR". I was honored.. You can see the finished bronze at my Gallery online.. Just click here to see it.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Creating a Viking Instructional DVD Update
Still working on the Instructional DVD of Creating a Viking, Full Figure. It occurs to me today that this will be a 2 DVD set. I'm finding that it's just going to take a lot to properly present this to you the budding artists who will be purchasing these DVDs. I have probably another week of work on this. If it wasn't for the fact that I talked so dang much in the videos.. it would have been easier..
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Update on the Viking Instructional DVDs Progress
I'm currently putting together an Instructional DVD or DVDs on Creating a figure of a Viking from armature to finished clay. I say DVD or DVDs because I still don't know how many DVDs it will take to put this together. I'll keep you all up to date on it's progress. Remember I have 9 Instructional DVDs currently available. A review of each DVD can be found in the Video Description of this YouTube Video. I'd sure appreciate if you'd consider purchasing one or more of them.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Woman Hiker Clay Delivered to the Foundry Today
Perfect day today to deliver the clay of the Hiking Woman, NANCY, to the foundry. Cloud cover, so no bright sun to bother my left eye.. It's still sensitive. I also had 3 other waxes in production for bronze orders for galleries ready to be gated and sprewed for casting. Usually takes 8 to 12 weeks for producing a finished bronze. Of course that depends on how busy the foundry is with other Artist's orders.
Three of my pieces in production shown with the clay of NANCY, the hiker.. at Northwest Art Castings, Bozeman Montana
NANCY, screwed down for transportation to the foundry 70 miles away.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Created a Woman Hiker
Completely finished and ready for the foundry. One problem.. my left eye is still sensitive to the light because of not being able to blink completely yet. So I'm going to put off taking it to the foundry till Monday. The clay will not go into production for at least a couple of weeks anyway. That's because of the workload at the foundry. I just don'[t want to get in an accident taking it to the foundry. It's better.. my eye is.. but not there completely yet.. Fist face Therapy today..
Monday, March 19, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker - Finished Details on the Base of the Clay
Just re-capping what I did on the base of the clay or Lady Hiker. On Sunday Morning I worked more detail into the base, with rocks and driftwood of clay... I didn't video it because it was 6 am and I just didn't feel like videoing it. I'll be delivering the clay on Tuesday or Thursday of this week..
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker Creating Her Left hand and Final Cleanup
Today Today was the final day of doing major work on this clay. Now it's the time consuming cleaning of the surface of the clay with wire tools and Paint brushes with lighter fluid on them to softly smooth the clay in areas that have to be smoothed. Tomorrow It's a day to photograph the clay. Then on Monday or Tuesday it's to the foundry to get it started into bronze production. More about Bell's Palsy can be read about here..
Friday, March 16, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker Adding a Walking Stick and Changing the Arms Po...
Today I've made a major change to the figure. I added a walking stick... I had to change the position of her right arm to work with the walking stick. I will be finishing this clay over the weekend. More about Bell's Palsy can be read about here..
Thursday, March 15, 2018
The Damnable Paralysis.. BELL'S PALSY and my Journey to Conquer it day 4
The Damnable Paralysis.. BELL'S PALSY and my Journey to Conquer it day 4.. I'm going to keep a video journal every so often as I go on this quest to hopefully defeat BELL'S PALSY. I know there are others out there who've been stricken with this Affliction and need to see others who are suffering from it. I'll continue my Sculpting Videos.. but when something happens or I feel a need to video myself looking silly.. I'll do it. God bless all who are going through what I'm going through.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
03 14 2018 - I Had a Scary Medical Problem this Weekend, BELL'S PALSY
Sunday I thought I was having a Stroke. Monday afternoon I went to the Madison Valley Medical Center here in Ennis Montana where I live. I spent Monday and Tuesday nights there. Went through every test and procedure you can imagine to find out what happened to me. Found out this morning it wasn't a Stroke, but was Bell's Palsy. It only affected my left side of my I talk funny for now.. I'll be fine.. It will just take time. The Doctors and Nurses, as well as Others who Work There, were very kind Helpful, and Knowledgeable. Full Service and Equipment God Truly walks with them More about Bell's Palsy can be read about here..
Monday, March 12, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker Boots and final Cleanup
Final day on the Hiker. Had her hiking shoes to create and cleaning up rough areas o the clay. It goes to the foundry tomorrow.. I need to photograph it first.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker Creating Camera and her Hands
This figure of a Hiker will be holding a camera in her right hand. I've never sculpted a camera before, so this is new for me, and stepping out of my comfort zone. Especially making it about an three quarter of an inch wide.
Friday, March 9, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker Creating Her Hat and Texturing Her Hair
Today I created the hat the lady will be wearing. I also detailed her hair
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker - Touching up Her Face and Then Creating Her Pants
Started by adjusting the bridge of her nose, ear detail... then onto her pants. I searched the web for a woman in about the same stance, wearing Levis to get the wrinkles in the pants legs.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker - Shoulder Straps and Blouse
Adding shoulder straps and other straps to the Backpack. Then I started to create the blouse she's wearing.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker - Sculpting the Backpack
I've put off creating the backpack for days now.. It was scary.. I've never created a back pack.. but to do one that has to be a particular one.. it was daunting.. But alas, I did ok. Patience and talent.. (well patience anyway), got me through. Oh, just so you know.. Took me 5 hours to create this video.. Render It, then to upload it to YouTube. Never mind the hours of sculpting cut down from a 12.5 Gig video to a 2.5 gig finished product..
Friday, March 2, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker Creating the Back Pack for the Figure Today
I'm creating a bronze of a woman hiker. today I created the starting of her Back pack, using Taxidermy Foam.
Creating a Woman Hiker Attaching Her Face to Her Head and Started form...
I'm creating a bronze of a woman hiker. I took the face I'd been working on separately from the figure and attached it to the figure. Working away from the figure, I didn't know how it was going to look when joined to that figure.. would it be to small or to big.. Well it was perfect. Then while waiting for the clay to soften I cleaned tools an ate dinner.. Once the clay was soft enough I started to block in the figure of the Lady.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker Fine Tuning the Face today
I'm creating a bronze of a woman hiker. Today I continued working on the ladies face.. fine tuning it and then smoothing it with Lighter Fluid.. I think she's looking like the lady I've been asked to do.. Tomorrow I'll be finishing up the face.. then attaching it to the full figure.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker Her Face from Photos Started
I'm creating a bronze of a woman hiker. Today I tried for the 3rd time to create her face from photos supplied to me.. It's still got a ways to go.. but I feel this time I started to get her features sketched in. I'm spending more time on the face than Intended to, but I feel I need to.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Creating a Woman Hiker First clay
I'm creating a bronze of a woman hiker. Today, I added the first clay to the armature.. The making of the armature I made out of wire, is going to featured in a new Instructional DVD and Streaming video, showing how to make Wire Armatures for several different projects. Human and Animals. That Instructional DVD is in Production now. Keep an eye out for it, in the near future.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Continuing the Video of the Instructional DVD on Creating Armatures for ...
Started an armature for a 16 inch tall figure today. It's part of a commission I'm working on. I figure as long as i'm making this armature, I might as well do an Instructional DVD where I share my knowledge gained from over 50 years of making armatures. So for you, this is merely a short tease of my Video on Making Armatures for Clay Sculpting. I finally got my other Canon camera fixed so now I can offer two views of me working... a few years ago, the one camera stopped locking in my memory card... I took it to a Camera Repair place and they sent it out to get an estimate on getting it fixed. It was almost as much as buying a new camera. So I just had the camera in my Van all this time. Well the other day.. I thought why not get it looked at again.. and this time the camera guy saw that there were a couple of small pieces of plastic from a memory card in the bottom of the slot that holds the memory card.. He removed the pieces.. I got a new Memory Card and now it's working again.. I'm so happy to be able to give my viewers a second viewing point in my videos.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Beginning an Instructional DVD on Creating Armatures for Sculpting
I get countless requests for where to buy ready made human armatures. Well the one source I had has dried up. So I've decided to show how to make wire armatures for creating clays. This will be a new Instructional DVD on which I'll include making and plotting out armatures for human, and some animal armatures.
Friday, February 9, 2018
Beginning a Commission
A friend of mine asked me to do a portrait of a friend of theirs in clay. The figure has to be 18 inches tall all together.. The figure is to be 16 inches tall.. It's a surprise so I can't put the video up on YouTube for fear that person would see it. So I'll be not making videos for a couple of weeks while I work on it. Well that's how it is as of today.. That may change.. so don't leave me.. haha
Monday, January 22, 2018
The Viking Instructional DVD Finishing Touches Today
October 5th 2017 I started the Instructional DVD on creating a Viking. Today I put the finishing touches on the Viking, just over 3 months after starting this figure. I will now set the clay aside till I decide whether to cast him in bronze of in Resin. Now I start editing 123 videos I've shot since I started this piece. Stay tuned.. I'll let you all know when the DVD will be available for purchase.
Sunday, January 14, 2018
The Viking Instructional DVD Details and more Details
Details, details, and more details. Finishing up a clay takes patience and a lot of time. This is a culmination of a full week of working on the clay of the Norseman... The base, the Battle Ax, the robe, and his hair. I still have plenty of detailing ahead of me.
Monday, January 1, 2018
The Viking Instructional DVD - Creating a Dragon for the Base
Tackled the Base Design today. I wanted a Dragon on the front of the base.. I searched on Google till I found a drawing of one that a Viking would have carved. I showed the complete video today. There were no trade secrets.. just me learning how. I still have fine tuning on this feature.. but now there are just a few more things to da and the clay of the Viking will be Done for now..
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