I'm going to start a new feature on my blog today. Each Saturday, I'll feature one of my bronzes. This week it's a bronze I did a couple of years ago.
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By David Lemon
(Traditional Patina Finish)
Currently Available in Galleries

An old warrior, who has come across, what he calls a "Grandfather Skull". near the spot where he saw a lone bull buffalo standing. It was the last time he saw this mighty beast, that once supplied his people with all they needed, to survive. He cradles the skull in his lap as he burns sage and waving the smoke over the skull, hoping the smoke will rise to the Great Spirit. He prays for the return of the herds, and the rebirth of his people. On the base he sits on, are scenes from his memories.

The back panel shows his memory of the vast herds, as far as you could see. Now gone.
-The side panel depicts a time when his people would gather and tell stories of the hunt. Of the bravery of those who placed their arrows precisely. It depicts happier times of plenty.
-The front panel depicts his memory of that last buffalo, who's skull, he may be holding. A silent wittiness to the near extinction of it's kind.This warrior vainly cries a "Prayer on the Wind".
See you Monday...